سلسلة أتعلّم ديني إنكليزي 1/6 I learn my religion series
سعر الكتاب :
978-605-2337-59-2 (Tk)

سلسلة أتعلّم ديني إنكليزي 1/6 I learn my religion series
A six-part purposeful educational series teaching the primary schooling kids the five pillars of Islam in a simple way and simulating the mind of kids by making a picture mixed with pleasure and meditation. There is also a special guidebook for teachers having examples, controls as well as rich concepts to enhance correct comprehension among kids.
- الوصف
A six-part purposeful educational series teaching the primary schooling kids the five pillars of Islam in a simple way and simulating the mind of kids by making a picture mixed with pleasure and meditation. There is also a special guidebook for teachers having examples, controls as well as rich concepts to enhance correct comprehension among kids.
الرقم المعياري:978-605-2337-59-2 (Tk)القياس:22*24عدد الصفحات:72مكان النشر:اسطنبولرقم الطبعة:1تاريخ الطبع:2019نوع الغلاف:عادينوع الورق:كوشيهلغة النشر:العربية
- التعليقات
- أضف تعليقلا يوجد أي تعليق حتى الان.